У оквиру пројекта „Гастрофокус“ који се имплементира у ЈУ Средњој школи „28.јуни“ у Источном Новом Сарајеву, реализована је обука ментора и наставника практичне наставе.
Циљ обуке је унапређење педагошких знања, вештина и компетенција ментора и наставника практичне наставе за извођење практичне наставе на радном месту/ угоститељском објекту.
Ова активност проводи се у оквиру пројекта Гастрофокус који проводи Републичка агенција за развој малих и средњих предузећа у партнерству са Градском развојном агенцијом Источно Сарајево уз подршку Швајцарске развојне агенције у БиХ.
Љиљана Пурковић
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With ample tributary streams, the Schuylkill was floor zero throughout the early years of the Beaver Wars, throughout which the Lenape tribe became tributary to the victorious Susquehannocks.
FTSE Group, a provider of economic and financial data, assigns the market status of countries as Developed, Advanced Emerging, Secondary Emerging or Frontier on the basis of their economic size, wealth, quality of markets, depth of markets, breadth of markets.
Proven here’s a 1927 Studebaker Dictator 4-door sedan.
Then (for girls) contract the vagina as if making an attempt to not lose a tampon.
The 105-horsepower 5.7-liter V-8 diesel was still available, though not in California, where it couldn’t pass that state’s emissions standards.
Some heat pumps have a water outlet tube that may channel the condensate water away, or a bit of hose might be connected to it to divert the water to a selected location.
Light modifications the looks of a shade.
Carlsen quickly won a pawn to emerge with the primary real profitable possibilities of the match.
Of course, hedge funds necessarily require a high tolerance for risk on the part of the individual investor, because these funds may be exposed to higher risks than traditional mutual funds.
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Secondly, they help redistribute the kinetic power before it harms the occupants contained in the cabin.
Art Kores was a third baseman of the St.
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In primitive brick building, straw served because the aggregate and mud served as the paste.